Saturday, April 19, 2014

Purple and Yellow

In my last post, I posted a pic of my husband.  He had a gray and bright blue hoodie on and was leaning against some bright yellow dumpsters.

 I loved the way the colors worked in that picture.  Turns out, they work so well because blue and yellow are near opposites on the color wheel making them complimentary colors.  Technically the true opposite of blue is orange, but yellow was close enough.  Do you want to know what the true opposite of yellow is?  Purple!  So I decided to go back downtown with a focus on color.  My daughter, Dani, graciously sacrificed her precious time and became my model and what a lovely model she was.  She also happens to own a purple hoodie. 

It's rather fun to pay attention to color choices when framing a picture.  I also had a picture of Dani in front of a red-colored brick and while she looked adorable, my eyes just didn't like it.  Frankly, the mix of her purple hoodie and the reddish brick was considerably unpleasing to my eye and now, with my handy color wheel, I know why.  If I learned anything from this experiment it's that, while it might be too difficult to match what your subject wears with the background, if perchance, I have a subject wearing a certain color, and I see a background in the midst of a shoot that has a very complimentary color, I should use it and have fun with how colors play with each other.   OR....I could ask my client to bring lots of colorful clothing to a shoot so we can experiment!

And while the color experiment with Dani turned out great.  There are always a few shots that I can't resist turning black and white.  The shots below had no yellow in them, but her surroundings and composition were interesting and she was beyond beautiful and I wanted to isolate that.  What better way to isolate your intriguing background or the subject than to subtract color?

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I absolutely love finding a nice grove of trees or a seemingly infinite field of wheat to take pictures in.  Nature makes a great backdrop, but recently, I have fallen in love with the man-made elements of downtown Idaho Falls as a backdrop.  I like old buildings.  They have so much character.  Downtown Idaho Falls has these little alley ways and doorways and cool building fronts that just add to the feel of a photograph. 

Recently, my husband took me out on a date.  He asked what I wanted to do and I told him I wanted to try out my new lens (17-50mm) and use downtown as a photo shoot location.  He was to be my subject.  It was so much fun.  I love taking pictures of him, even though he'd rather I find someone else as interesting as I find him and the city background was cool to play with as well. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

My Weekend

I got to be part of something really special this weekend.  My aunt Wendy came to town.  I love this woman.  She is very much like my mother, whom I also adore.  She's fun, she's thoughtful, and so creative.  Plus she thinks everything I say is funny and I like that. ;-)  Anyway, Wendy asked me to capture this special weekend.  This was the weekend that she was going to meet her newest grandchild and first granddaughter.  I was thrilled by the prospect.  What's so special about a grandparent meeting a new grandbaby?  In my opinion, that is always a special moment, but it's really special for Wendy because a) she lives on the other side of the country in a land called Georgia.  Break out your maps.  Yeah, it's pretty far from Idaho.  Guess how often she gets to see her grandkids in person.  Not that often.  b) This is the first granddaughter ever!  If you knew my aunt Wendy and what an adorably cute girly girl she is, you'd know how excited she is to finally have a granddaughter. 

Anyway, the photo shoot was awesome.  We took a ton of pictures.  Some of grandma with grandsons.  Some of the entire family.  Some of uncle Danny playing with nephews.  Some of grandma and baby Chloe.  Some of the parents and baby Chloe.  I was exhausted by the end but super excited to see how the pictures came out.  I got to use my new 50mm for a few shots as well as my other new lens, the 15-70mm.  Both lenses are beyond fabulous and now my poor kit lens looks at me from the recesses of my camera bag looking pitiful.  I'm very pleased with how these pictures turned out.  The style ended up being similar to a lifestyle newborn shoot.  What do you think?

That unbelievably gorgeous lady?  Yeah, that's grandma and boy does she love being a grandma.

I love these little fingers wrapped around her grandmother's hand. 

Such an adorable family.  They also have two fantastic little boys.

I think both of these little ladies are in heaven.

She little girl already looks very much like her gorgeous mother.   Little Chloe was getting ready to be fed and so mom had to hold her off for a bit by letting her suck on her thumb.  Too precious. 

Such tiny feet!!

Every mom has to remember moments like these.  Brings back memories of sleep-deprived newborn days and oh how good it felt to snuggle with your little one and take a nap together. 

I love how his hand is comforting her and holding her arms, while his other hand gently holds her foot.  Truly enveloped in daddy's arms. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

He Sings to Me

My birthday was yesterday.  It was a great day with so much love from family and friends.  But my favorite part of my birthday is when my husband sings to me.  I get my own private show.  He always feels a little awkward singing for one person, especially if that person insists on taking photos of him, but he knows how much I love it and that makes me love him even more.  

These were taken in a sort of photo journalistic style.  Enjoy....

I asked him to give me a "shreddin' it" shot.